Conga Eileen
30 December 2017
Fashion photography shoot with striped plastic carrier bags, Bose live sound system and bespoke music playlist (1 hour 28 minutes)
photography by Sarah Jamieson, courtesy of the Artists
One new years eve eve, a 'flashmob' inspired event, saw a 'mob' conga dancing around Spittal Amusement Arcade, once a dancehall. The intervention took reference from stories from the owners Joe & Vivianne Ratcliffe and their time running the promenade business, and previously running the nightclub Caesar's Palace, Hide Hill, in Berwick.
Notable anecdotes — including the venues brush with 'stardom,' when in 2008, Vogue chose the location for a fashion shoot and a striped carrier bag to be worn as a faux headscarf, combined with the echoes of great nights revellers had at Caesar’s, dancing to the unforgettable tune by Dexy's Midnight Runners — whisked away the party to the spirit of those memorable times.
Notable anecdotes — including the venues brush with 'stardom,' when in 2008, Vogue chose the location for a fashion shoot and a striped carrier bag to be worn as a faux headscarf, combined with the echoes of great nights revellers had at Caesar’s, dancing to the unforgettable tune by Dexy's Midnight Runners — whisked away the party to the spirit of those memorable times.